4 41 64 A C 67 LS 2 LS N R M H R LS 2 LS M1 H N1 140 136 83 64 61 41 100-125-150-175-200-250-300 1,87 445PS061 * 97 64 75 41 100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,05 445PS075 * 147 64 125 41 100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,49 445PS125 * R H N M N1 M1 mm mmmmmm mm mm 100 264200 450 340 740 125 314 225 530 460 1020 150 364 250 605 580 1300 175 414 275 685 700 1575 200 464 300 765 820 1855 250 564 350 920 1055 2410 300 664 400 1080 1295 2970 A B C D R Weight/m Chain mm mm mm mm mm kg Part Number Inner height (D) 41 mm Sideband construction with anti-friction sigle-pin. Covers openable only inner radius. Vertical separator system are available. 445PS Nylon Protection Cable Chain with opening covers Technical characteristics when self-supported Speed 10 m/s Acceleration 50 m/s2 *Complete the code by inserting the value of the radius (R): Ex. Es. 445PS061 2 0 0 Separator - Unassembled Part.no S445CNF - Assembled Part.no S445CNFMC Pin Part.no PG445 FIXED POINT MOBILE POINT For higher requirements please consult our technical dept. L= LS +MorM1 2 Length of chain (L) Half travel distance plus length of curve (M) or (M1) ( LS ) 2 For sliding applications, characteristics techniques may vary depending on the frequency, added weight and work environment. SLIDING VERSION to be ordered with pivoting end brackets set ! 4