M1 H LS N1 250 90 R LS 2 90 LS 2 LS N R M H 4 A C 45 70 75 6 113 70 75 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,29 H45SC075 * 138 70 100 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,37 H45SC100 * 163 70 125 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,44 H45SC125 * 188 70 150 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,52 H45SC150 * 213 70 175 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,60 H45SC175 * 238 70 200 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,67 H45SC200 * 263 70 225 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,75 H45SC225 * 288 70 250 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,83 H45SC250 * 313 70 275 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,91 H45SC275 * 338 70 300 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 2,99 H45SC300 * 388 70 350 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 3,14 H45SC350 * 438 70 400 45 075-100-125-150-175-200-250-300 3,30 H45SC400 * S45HOFL 75 90 FIXED POINT MOVING POINT A B C D R Weight/m Chain mm mm mm mm mm kg Part Number * for chain opening outer radius ** for chain opening inner radius R H N M N1 M1 mm mm mm mm mm mm 075 220 185 390 265 540 100 270 210 465 275 595 125 320 235 545 395 870 150 370 260 625 515 1150 175 420 285 700 635 1430 200 470 310 780 750 1705 250 570 360 940 990 2265 300 670 410 1095 1225 2820 *Complete the code by inserting the value of the radius (R): Ex. H45SC100 2 5 0 Chain equipped with nylon frame every picth: complete the code by inserting the letter D. Ex. H45SC100250 D Separator -Unassembled Part.no S45CF3 - Assembled* Part.no S45CF3MCI - Assembled** Part.no S45CF3MCE Strong-hold Separator for C > 250 mm -Unassembled Part.no S45HOFL -Assembled Part.no S45HOFL Pin Part.no PNH45RS H45SC Nylon cable chain with opening frames Technical Characteristics when self-supporting Speed 8 m/s Acceleration 40 m/s2 For higher requirements please consult our technical dept. For sliding applications, characteristics techniques may vary depending on the frequency, added weight and work environment. Inner height (D) 45 mm Sideband construction with quickly removable pin. Frames openable from either side on both inner and outer radius. As standard the chain comes with frames every second link, on request with frames every link. Vertical and horizontal modular separator system is available. L= LS +MorM1 2 Length of chain (L) Half travel distance plus length of curve (M) or (M1) ( LS ) 2 4